Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Favorite Quotes from the Walker Kids

Graham: “Miss Rachel, you are perfect.”

Me: “Nathan… why did you kiss my arm?” Nathan: “Because I love reading so much!”

Graham: “Thank you God for sending Miss Rachel to teach us.”

Hope: “She needs to be like Abraham.” (In response to my friend’s frustration)

Hannah: “I was late because I was pulling worms out of the bumps in my stomach.”

Halayna: “I love the tests you give us! Can you give us more tests?”

Hope: "All of Wil's snakes aren't actually loose in the house. I just didn't see them in their cages."


  1. These are wonderful quotes! Your blog is so fun and encouraging! I'm looking forward to future updates!

  2. LOL!!!

    More tests?!?

    Sorry about the snakes
